A well-rounded brand is one that is strategy-based, versatile, recognizable, unique to you, and focused on your target market. It should cover many different elements of your brand such as brand imagery, colour palette, typography, and of course your logo package. Probably the most well-known element, your logo package should feature variations in your logo orientation and details ensuring your brand can adapt to any limits you may come across when using your branding.
In this blog post, I'll walk you through the different logo variations that are included in every brand designed by Studio Goldē.

Primary Logo
A primary logo is generally the most detailed version of your logo. It is a great logo version to use in large-scale formats such as signage or letterhead to show as much detail as possible and to get the most amount of information across to your audience.

Secondary Logo
A secondary logo is typically laid out in the opposite way of your primary logo, ie stacked versus horizontal. It is sometimes a more "scaled-back" version of your primary logo and is usually perfect for smaller-scale applications where details may be lost.

supplementary Logos
Supplementary logos are some alternative versions of logos that remain on brand but may be less adaptable than the Primary or Secondary logos. They should be used more sparingly, but are still great accents to the overall brand.

logo marks
Logo marks are a great way to level-up any brand. They are a unique and recognizable snapshot of the brand that comes across on a smaller scale. They are great for applications such as social media profile photos, or website accents.